Kōmanawa - SafeCare - Home & Family - Te Whare Manaaki Tangata - Child, Youth and Parenting Support Services
Home & Family is delighted to be launching SafeCare in Aotearoa!

SafeCare is a brief, evidence-based, early intervention training programme for parents and caregivers of tamariki ages 0-5.

SafeCare uses a skill-based curriculum that builds on the knowledge, experience and existing strengths of a parent/caregiver. Through initial baseline assessments, we are able to identify a parent’s initial skill set and use this information to inform how to deliver the training in remaining sessions.

SafeCare is delivered over 18 sessions that cover 3 modules:

  • Parent-Infant/Child Interaction that targets risk factors associated with neglect and physical abuse
  • Health that targets risk factors for medical neglect
  • Home Safety that targets risk factors for environmental neglect and unintentional injury

For further information about the SafeCare model, please visit the National SafeCare Training and Research Center at Georgia State University website:

SafeCare – National SafeCare Training and Research Center (gsu.edu)

For further information about SafeCare at Home & Family, please email us at:

[email protected]

Reach out to us

Make a referral

Please use the online referral links above to put in a referral, or alternatively, you may download them for printing below:

Statutory Referral Form for SafeCare
Community Referral Form for SafeCare

Please scan and email your printed referral to:
[email protected]

Our staff will endeavour to get in contact within two weeks of receiving the referral.

Make an enquiry

If you are interested in accessing our Kōmanawa Parenting Services in general, please fill out the online enquiry form here.