Pēpi - Home & Family - Te Whare Manaaki Tangata - Child, Youth and Parenting Support Services
Our Kōmanawa parenting services are driven by our social work team.

Our aim is to deliver programmes that enhance the safety and well-being of our pēpi by increasing awareness, skills and accountability of whānau and caregivers.

The outcomes for children who grow up in the care of a birth parent are significantly better than those raised in foster care. This strength-based programme focuses on the needs of pēpi and their first 1000 days and the importance of attachment and connection for a child’s physical and mental health.

For information about Kōmanawa and our SafeCare & Learn programmes, click here.

"I've never really had a family like this... Since I've been here, I've changed... I've learned the basics about looking after Cassandra – hygiene, learning to be calm and patient, playing and taking turns and learning to show my love for her in an appropriate way."

Reach out to us

You can find our Statutory Referral Form for SafeCare here.
To make a referral for our Learn programmes, click here.

Our Social Work team will endeavour to get in contact within two weeks of receiving the referral.