Home & Family - Te Whare Manaaki Tangata - Child, Youth and Parenting Support Services

Mā wai rā te tautoko nei

Who we help

We support pēpi from newborn to 5 years old through our SafeCare & Learn programmes.
Tamariki aged 5 to 12 years old receive support through our Child-focused Services and Whānau Safety services.
Rangatahi aged 12 to 18 years old receive support through our Child-focused Services and Whānau Safety services.
We create strong, resilient families through our Kōmanawa, Child-focused Services and Whānau Safety services.

As New Zealand’s second oldest charity, our services result in measurable change to ensure all children are safe, cherished and their potential is nurtured.

Nā te raranga te kete tuatinitini e waihanga hei tiaki i ngā taonga e kawea Through weaving many strands a basket is formed to protect what's within
Te Whakahihikotanga

Why we help

The need for family-focused, holistic, evidence-based services such as ours, is well documented:

  • Police in Canterbury receive a domestic violence call out every four minutes
  • Nearly half the people living in women’s refuges in Aotearoa are children
  • New Zealand has the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world

Thanks to our partners